Friday, January 8, 2016

Calculating Cap Rate

The following article Calculating Cap Rate is courtesy of This Great House Blog

The start of the new year 2016 has been the roughest one on record for the stock market. Huge losses and investors are in a full panic. So where do you put your money that it will be safe and constantly give you good returns? Investment property or rental properties! It is a great way to build long term wealth as well as collect rent every month where someone is actually paying the note for you and hopefully if you did your calculations right, you make a nice spread. But how do you make sure before you purchase an investment property that you will make money on it? The answer is - "cap rate". Atlanta GA Investment Property There is more to buying a rental property for an investment than just looking at the purchase price, how much the note is and how much you can rent it for. The savvy real estate investor takes a few other factors into consideration before pulling the trigger. The math involved isn't that hard, but we have seen in the past newer investors skip this step and not make money like they should and be disappointed on dismal returns on their investment properties. So what is cap rate and how do you calculate it? It really is quite simple. Cap rate is the measurement of how much a property produces compared to how much it costs. I actually came across a great article that explains it probably better than I can from written by  Che Chiu Wong. Here is a little from the article -

Buying cash flow properties is one of the greatest ways to build wealth. To do this right, you have to buy smart. Run your numbers, that’s what we say. But how do I exactly do that? This is what we are going to explore. A good way to do this is to determine the Capitalization Rate of the property (Cap Rate in short). Capitalization Rate is a crucial indicator for real estate investing because it measures the rate of return on your investment, i.e. how much you get for your money’s worth. However, surprisingly, this concept is often misunderstood within the investment circle. If you ask 10 people what the Cap Rate is for a particular property, nine out of the 10 people will give you a different answer. The last one will ask, “What is cap rate again?” Jokes aside, the aim of this article is to clearly define what Cap Rate is all about, how and when you will use Cap Rate to analyze your deal, and why different people calculate Cap Rates differently. Learning to calculate and understand Cap Rate is a powerful tool for your real estate investing career.

What is Cap Rate?

In plain English, Cap Rate can be described as such: If you purchase an investment property ALL IN CASH, for each $100 you put in, how much is your profit per year after you have paid your expenses? The keywords are: “cash,” “profit per year,” and “after expenses.” CASH: It assumes cash, i.e. we don’t consider how a mortgage may change our return. PROFIT PER YEAR: It assumes there is regular income generated from this property. AFTER EXPENSES: It assumes there are expenses being associated with this property. Often, Cap Rate is represented in percentages. For example, instead of saying Property A’s Cap Rate is $7.50 per $100 invested, we will just say Cap Rate is 7.5%. It means the same thing

How is Cap Rate Used?

Cap Rate is mostly used to compare income-producing properties. It gives a unified gauge for you to compare, even if the properties are somewhat different. For example,

Scenario 1

Property A: 2 units, rent = $2000/mo, selling for $250,000 Property B: 3 units, rent = $2500/mo, selling for $300,000 It is quite difficult to determine which one is a better deal. Looking from a purchase price per unit standpoint, Property B seems cheaper ($100,000 vs. $125,000), whereas looking from a rent per purchase price standpoint, Property A looks better (8 per thousand vs. 7.667 per thousand). We don’t know what the associated expenses are for each property, further clouding our judgment.
Read The Full Article Here So that will give you a good explanation of how Cap Rate works. Brett Lee goes on to explain more on how to calculate more for calculating the cap rate -

Most investing decisions come down to math. Property evaluation is too complex without it. If you really understand the benefits and limitations of the most common investment equations, you’ll make better decisions, reduce your work load and be able to act quickly.

The best way to look at a cap rate is as a return on the value of a property. A 10% cap rate will give you 10% return on the value of the property over a single year after costs have been deducted.

How Cap Rates Work

For many investors, cap rates are the magic bullet. It’s the first thing they turn to when making decisions because it takes into account costs and income. While cap rates do give you a lot of information and help you compare properties, they also leave out a lot of information. Let’s get to the math so we can better understand how it works and how to avoid common mistakes.

Cap Rate = Net Operating Income/Value

NOI is the gross yearly income from a property minus the expenses (does not including mortgage payments, income taxes or depreciation).

Gross income:

Total of all rents and other income the property produces in a year

Costs include:

Vacancy loss (how much rent will you lose in an average year due to vacancies) Routine maintenance (yard work, painting, etc.) Property management fees Property taxes Advertising Utilities that you pay for


  • Property is valued at $250,000
  • Rental income = $18,000 a year
  • Vacancy loss averages 2% for your area = $18,000*.02 = $360 a year
  • All expected maintenance = $1,200 a year
  • No property manager, advertising or utility bills for this property
  • Property taxes = $3,000 a year
  • Cap rate = ($18,000 – $360 – $1,200 – $3,000)/$250,000 = 0.054 or 5.4% cap rate

How to Interpret Your Cap Rate

Cap rates are different everywhere you go. Because value (price) is part of the equation, cap rates are based on supply and demand in your local area. In the U.S. most real estate falls in the 5%-10% range. It is possible to do better, but it usually requires creative thinking.

Cap rates have three important uses.

  • The cap rate can help you understand if a property is priced too high or low for an area. All you have to do is compare the cap rate from the property you are looking at to the average cap rate for the area. An above average cap rate for an area can be an indication of problems with the property.
  • If you decide you won’t do a deal unless you get a certain cap rate, then you can use it to decide what price to offer.
    • If you know the average NOI (cash flow) for this deal is going to be $30,000 a year and you will only do a deal with a cap rate of 8% or higher, then you should bid $30,000/.08 = $375,000 or less.
  • If you know what cap rates are common in the area and and you know the asking price, you can get an idea of the Net Operating Expenses assuming cap rates were used to price the property.
    • If the average cap rate in the area is 6% and the asking price is $300,000, then 0.06*$300,000 = $18,000 in expenses for the year.
Continue Reading The Article Here
So there you have it. It's a lot of reading, but once you get a grasp on it, it's not that hard to do and very useful information on helping you decide on whether or not. If you still aren't sure how to do it, join a REIA and attend some meetings and ask some other investors that have been around awhile. You can also do more searches on the internet and find all kinds of information about the subject.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Top 10 Real Estate Markets In 2016

Top 10 Real Estate Markets In 2016 See more on: .com/
Well, it's already the end of 2015. Seems like the year just started. But as this year comes to a close it is time to start thinking about your investment strategies for the coming year of 2016.According to,  2016 is going to be another great year for the real estate market in the Atlanta area. In fact,  Atlanta made the top 5!  Atlanta has been a hot market and continues to be a hot market. Some of the factors for this is a steady and growing job market,  as well as the cost of living lower than some other areas of the country including the prices of homes.This is great news for investors. Of course this is great news for investors that fix and flip for a retail sale, but also for the buy and hold investors. Not all of the people moving to Atlanta will find a home right away, or even be able to afford a home when they first move here because they need to sell their property somewhere else in the country. This means they will end up renting until they are able or find that perfect home in the area that they want.Here is a snippet from the article -  Smoke and his team took past trends and seasonal variations of housing and economic data for the 100 largest markets in the country and stuck them into a time machine—oops, we mean a statistical model that predicts future values for home sales and prices. Then they identified the markets whose forecasted growth was equal to or better than the U.S. average. The resulting top 10 list is of the real estate markets that look the most bullish for the coming year. Get ready for a few surprises!Many of the markets that have consistently made our “hot list” because of high demand from buyers and quick sales didn’t make the cut for 2016, because they are predicted to see slower price appreciation and even declining sales. Notably, they include the greater metro areas of San Francisco, Denver, and Dallas.In addition, each of the markets on the list is in high demand, with 60% more listing page views than the U.S. overall and inventory that sells 16 days faster than the U.S. average. Surging demand in each market can be attributed to growing household formation, a prosperous job market, and low unemployment rates as well as large populations of key demographics. Older millennials (25 to 34 years old), younger Gen Xers (35 to 44 years old), and retirees (65 to 74 years old) will be driving home sales in 2016.Read the full article here: course being able to profit from this trend isn't as easy as just looking at the homes that are listed on the MLS to find fix and flip properties or to turn into rentals. Most of the homes listed are at the high end of retail, which means there is no room for a retail flip. Investors need a place to turn to find properties. We are the solution!  If you are looking for a constant stream of great off market properties here in the Atlanta area be sure and check out our site of available investment properties at

Monday, November 23, 2015

Why It’s A Good Idea To Buy Real Estate From Wholesalers

Why It’s A Good Idea To Buy Real Estate From Wholesalers is republished from This Great House Wholesale Properties Blog

Yes it’s true! Even though we are one of the largest and best Atlanta area wholesaling companies, we still will occasionally buy properties from other wholesalers. You may wonder why we would consider buying from another wholesaler? Because a deal is a deal no matter where the deal originates. Many direct wholesalers spend considerable money on marketing techniques which can allow them to pick up off-market deals that a smaller investor would not have access too. Because this is our primary business we completely understand that a wholesaler is in business to make a reasonable profit for the deal that they may have spent $1000’s in acquiring such deal. Let me give you an example of one of my favorite purchases from an area wholesaler. I now refer to this deal as my “free” house.Wholesale Real EstateBack in 2011 I received a flyer from a small local wholesaler advertising a very basic 3 bedroom/2 bathroom home in Lithonia, Georgia. The flyer reflected a house that had obviously been vacant for several months or maybe even years. Weeds had grown up almost completely hiding the house, the gutters had small trees growing from them and the inside had obviously been somewhat vandalized. The list price of this subject deal was an amazing low price of only $17,000 cash. Now many investor buyers would have immediately starting trying to negotiate a lower purchase price. On the other hand we immediately agreed to a full price offer to lock up the deal and directly headed out to the subject property. Now it is true the house needed considerable work but we quickly recognized the overall potential of the deal so we moved forward with providing non-refundable earnest money and moved the deal to closing. A valuable lesson with this scenario is when you see a potential deal, move quickly and don’t try to low ball the wholesaler if it’s a deal.I remember actually telling this particular wholesaler that I hoped he made a significant profit on the deal as I was so pleased with my numbers. Turns out the wholesale did make a $10,000 profit on the deal which is very significant, especially for this priced house. Was I upset at their significant pay day? Heck no, I loved my deal! Many times we receive low offers on our subject deals that provide us no profit and these potential buyers end up losing great deals. I have actually gone back to these buyers on occasions and have asked the question, “did you not like the deal at our list price” and most times the answer is well yes it was a great deal at your list price! So if such a great deal why try to get the deal at an even lower price resulting in not succeeding in buying? Remember RE investing purchases should not be an emotional decision based upon one winner and one loser in the transaction, but should be determine strictly on the numbers. If the numbers work for your individual strategy, pull the trigger and move the deal forward!Now back to this particular deal, we ended up spending $13,000 to renovate the property back to rent ready condition. You see even though the yard was so overgrown that it was hard to see the house, we knew this was not a significant cost. So now we own a 3/2 home in a nice family neighborhood at a cost base of only $30,000. Now to make this deal even sweeter, this particular house was purchased by our self-directed Roth IRA so all future profits are tax free! Since this purchase, the house has been rented at a below market rent rate of $750/mth so the proceeds have now completely paid back our initial $30,000 investment. Thus the reason I refer to this as my “free” house! In addition with recent market appreciation our little free house now has a market value of $60,000 and I am confident that within the next 5 years our little free house will be worth $100,000! How many of these type deals do you need to be financially free? This example is how you truly create wealth investing in real estate. So remember when you see one of our deals that makes sense, take action. Negotiate if you wish, but realize don’t lose a potential $100,000 free house just to save a couple $1000’s. That’s just bad business!If we can help you with similar types of strategies give us a call, we are here to help you succeed!Now go buy some houses you will be glad you did!Click Here To Check Out Our Off Market Atlanta Wholesale Properties Here.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Our New Video - Wholesale Investment Properties In Atlanta!

If you are looking for great wholesale property deals in Atlanta, then check out our new video! It will be posted tomorrow (09/04/15) and explain more about who we are and how we can help you with your real estate investment company.

Wholesale Real Estate In Atlanta

It is a great time to be investing in real estate. More millionaires have been made from real estate investing than any other profession.

If you are looking for your next fix and flip for quick cash or looking for your next investment property rental property, then definitely check us out.

This Great House - your one stop shop for your next real estate investment property! - (678) 427-7700

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Making Money Flipping Houses In Atlanta

Atlanta Investment Properties

Increasing numbers of people are considering engaging in the world of property investing in Atlanta in an effort to generate profits. Flipping real estate can be an effective way of earning cash, although the real estate markets in and around the Atlanta area are more competitive now compared to what they were just a few short years ago.

There are numerous challenges connected with flipping real-estate for money. The very first thing you must remember is not all the properties will probably be worth buying. While plenty of properties can be bought, done up, and resold, some - many, in fact - require much too much work to really make it worthwhile. In those cases, you will be better of just walking away from such a property.

Also, there are tons of costs associated with investing in a property along with reselling it afterwards. Those expenses are things that people often forget while they are investigating the chance of property flipping. Things like closing costs, both on the front side and the backside. This alone can be as much as almost 10% when selling a property. There are also holding costs, power, gas, and any HOA fees while you hold the property. Be sure that you have a very good knowledge of exactly how the market works - and also the timescales that you are working with - before you decide to purchase a property.

In case you have never sold a property before then you definitely should probably get started with an affordable property inside the Atlanta area that you know well, and only try property flipping when you have substantial savings that you don't mind keeping tied up in a property in the event you are unable to sell the house in a reasonable timescale.

Remember that there are no quick fixes and no instant, guaranteed types of income these days, but real estate is the closest you will come. In order to generate income, you should do plenty of research and make the legwork - make sure you do all of your due diligence before purchasing a property.

Before you decide to try flipping, you should try and connect with some other investors, to help you understand more about the Atlanta area and obtain an understanding for property prices and trends. Working with somebody else, especially working with another seasoned real estate investor, it helps cuts down on the risks while you find your feet and learn the ropes. Then, when you are more confident, you can begin to be effective on building your personal real estate business and have your own investment property business.

Our company, This Great House LLC,  has been investing in the Atlanta market for almost 15 years now. If you would like to have a look at some of the available properties that we have, check out our website.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

3 Good Reasons To Buy Real-Estate

Do you own a property? If not, you must consider purchasing one. When you already are a homeowner, you ought to consider making an investment in more properties. Real estate market may be complex but getting a property is amongst the ideal way to invest your money. Listed here are three good reasons to buy property.

To begin with, a residence or perhaps a property is a wonderful way to diversify your investments. If you currently have some stocks, bonds as well as other investment products, you should consider purchasing other kinds of investments. The goal of diversifying your investment portfolio is usually to avoid losing a great deal in case a market fails to work well. As an illustration, possessing a residence is a great way to protect your portfolio in case the stock market crashes. Property is perfect for diversification because it is a tangible investment. If something affects financial markets, chances are the real estate market will never suffer. In fact, requirement for real-estate may possibly climb if investors usually do not see other markets as a good option to invest their funds.

Investing in real estate property can also be ways to generate earnings. If you have a house, investing in a rental property means you might generate a monthly income by collecting rent. There are numerous points to consider before getting a rental property, for example the location and also the average rent in the area. Additionally, you will ought to account for expenses including closing fees, repairs and maintenance. Being a landlord might be time-consuming and stressful from time to time but you will find that possessing a rental property can be quite interesting. Also you can take advantage of the income you earn to acquire more rental properties.

A house is a good investment since it is thought to be equity. Which means you can borrow against it if you realize yourself within a bad financial situation or want to finance another project. You could for example get a home and finance it to enable you to afford to invest in a rental property. It is actually possible to borrow against a portion of the value of the property you have, as an illustration if you need money for an emergency.

These are the best reasons to purchase real-estate. Make time to do more research about this market and make certain you put money into the right property.

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